Coordination Precarious School Naples
The CPS NAPLES, invites all student reality, secondary and university teachers, parents, teaching staff, and all subjects have built and shared with us the mobilization of October 30 in defense of public schools, the meeting takes place on Thursday December 2 in S. Mandate 38 C (underground hill, stop at Santa Rosa, exit
Battistello Caracciolo) at 17 . We
infa ct essential to follow up on that path unit that led the struggle to pay the teachers and students, and to extend to all those who care about the future of public school and the younger generation. Now more than ever, given the total attack on the entire system of public education, training and research, it is necessary to unite our struggles
in a common front that can serve as a barrier against the reactionary drift of our country and, we hope, should result in the mobilizations against the university DDL Gelmini, which are multiplying day by day, and occupations of many colleges against cuts and against the destruction of public schools, demonstrate a high level of conflict that we have to keep up. It should not happen, as has often happened in past years
that from January everyone back to close within the boundaries of their specific dispute. The government wants us divided to make us weak, we must respond UNITED.
We believe, therefore, necessary to create an assembly STANDING IN DEFENSE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL, involving the participation of all those mentioned above, in order to maintain the bonds among all sectors of the world's knowledge together to build the next mobilization, to a great
general strike against the government and Confindustria.
The appointment is on Thursday, 'Dec. 2 HOURS 17 in S. Mandate. There may be variations on the site, which will be immediately notified. We are considering, in fact, if you can make the assembly in some school workers, and give active support to enhance the mobilization of students.
Precarious, students, faculty, staff ATA. parents' associations are invited to attend and contribute to building a common platform that has the defense as a pillar of public schools, LAY, and anti-MASS.
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