Saviano, it's time to get off the pulpit!
Apparently remote unanimity democratic "Come away with me," Fazio with the officiant who assembled around the national respectability - center, right and left - and proclaimed, in his words, that the transmission was the first of TV post-Berlusconi! I'm past few weeks, but it seems like years. The Knight, which accounts they can do, he neglected his domestic opponents. The centrist, gathered their troops scattered and heterogeneous, are licking their wounds. Di Pietro has lowered the ridge and perhaps reflect on the selection of political personnel IDV. The PD is breathing a sigh of relief because for a while 'the elections
away ... And above all the revolt of 14 December has shattered that gooders hairy and sweet that the centrism of the right and the left has tried in vain to oppose Berlusconi. Bersani rooftop, rooftops Granata - after the first had done a great opposition to stop the Decreto Gelmini and the second was about to vote for him. For the moment, the draft without a Berlusconi Berlusconi, a constitutional moderation and unanimity, misfires. As we have seen the extraordinary pictures of the palaces of power besieged by protesters, the rocky reality of the conflict has taken over the illusory reality and distracting the media and representations of the "battles" in which the parliamentary one which is at stake is the right rule the country.
The conflict, in fact. Must be the police chief Manganelli, think a bit ', a reminder that violence is the visible manifestation of a terrible social problems common to students, temporary workers and young people excluded from all hope. All the fuss about the infiltrators, the legendary black bloc, the self revived, the anarchists away reveals the inability to understand that the demonstration in Rome is but an expression of deep turbulence that should not emulsify with the most hackneyed stereotypes. In this sense, Saviano sent the letter to "The Republic" to "boys" of the movement is the perfect example of a unreal - halfway between dream exorcism - that in a separate sphere of the media they want to make contemporary movements.
Hundred "idiots," as Saviano? Beyond the paternalistic tone of the letter ("I tell you that I'm young like you, believe me), the inability to get hits, if only in imagination, the motivations of people cut off as hundreds of thousands of their peers, from any project, say company, but also immediate survival. Where would, please, dear dear Saviano and the press, the black bloc among the demonstrators today released from prison? And where it would act only for the violent lust for breakdown and then, curious contradiction, just arrested, it would enable a "whine and call my mother (but who told you that, in Saviano?).
comments published by the same "Republic" in the tail of the letter make all the confusion, and sometimes the anger of many who perhaps were identified in the symbol Saviano and are now labeled as fools. Because they were there and saw it. And as the invitation for protesters to take joy in parades and the police to behave well, just bludgeon the bad guys, well, accidents, and democratic as it would be nice! Too bad that things never go well. I remember Genoa, because I was there and I've seen, and I can assure Saviano that the behavior of tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators, he has not exactly preserved by the barrel.
much more serious issue is that this movement will end, like others who are spreading in Europe, even prim already in England. But the first step to discuss and take seriously, giving up the reassuring platitudes, do not listen to the national pentitismo (which are specialized, perhaps, ex sessantottino landed the media), listen before judging and, above all, down from the pulpit that are a bit 'of head and shoulders above the real world.
Alessandro Dal Lago, from "Il Manifesto" of December 17, 2010
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