Saturday, December 18, 2010

Blob Of Blood Stained Mucus

Saviano, it's time to get off the pulpit!

Apparently remote unanimity democratic "Come away with me," Fazio with the officiant who assembled around the national respectability - center, right and left - and proclaimed, in his words, that the transmission was the first of TV post-Berlusconi! I'm past few weeks, but it seems like years. The Knight, which accounts they can do, he neglected his domestic opponents. The centrist, gathered their troops scattered and heterogeneous, are licking their wounds. Di Pietro has lowered the ridge and perhaps reflect on the selection of political personnel IDV. The PD is breathing a sigh of relief because for a while 'the elections
away ... And above all the revolt of 14 December has shattered that gooders hairy and sweet that the centrism of the right and the left has tried in vain to oppose Berlusconi. Bersani rooftop, rooftops Granata - after the first had done a great opposition to stop the Decreto Gelmini and the second was about to vote for him. For the moment, the draft without a Berlusconi Berlusconi, a constitutional moderation and unanimity, misfires. As we have seen the extraordinary pictures of the palaces of power besieged by protesters, the rocky reality of the conflict has taken over the illusory reality and distracting the media and representations of the "battles" in which the parliamentary one which is at stake is the right rule the country.
The conflict, in fact. Must be the police chief Manganelli, think a bit ', a reminder that violence is the visible manifestation of a terrible social problems common to students, temporary workers and young people excluded from all hope. All the fuss about the infiltrators, the legendary black bloc, the self revived, the anarchists away reveals the inability to understand that the demonstration in Rome is but an expression of deep turbulence that should not emulsify with the most hackneyed stereotypes. In this sense, Saviano sent the letter to "The Republic" to "boys" of the movement is the perfect example of a unreal - halfway between dream exorcism - that in a separate sphere of the media they want to make contemporary movements.
Hundred "idiots," as Saviano? Beyond the paternalistic tone of the letter ("I tell you that I'm young like you, believe me), the inability to get hits, if only in imagination, the motivations of people cut off as hundreds of thousands of their peers, from any project, say company, but also immediate survival. Where would, please, dear dear Saviano and the press, the black bloc among the demonstrators today released from prison? And where it would act only for the violent lust for breakdown and then, curious contradiction, just arrested, it would enable a "whine and call my mother (but who told you that, in Saviano?).
comments published by the same "Republic" in the tail of the letter make all the confusion, and sometimes the anger of many who perhaps were identified in the symbol Saviano and are now labeled as fools. Because they were there and saw it. And as the invitation for protesters to take joy in parades and the police to behave well, just bludgeon the bad guys, well, accidents, and democratic as it would be nice! Too bad that things never go well. I remember Genoa, because I was there and I've seen, and I can assure Saviano that the behavior of tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators, he has not exactly preserved by the barrel.
much more serious issue is that this movement will end, like others who are spreading in Europe, even prim already in England. But the first step to discuss and take seriously, giving up the reassuring platitudes, do not listen to the national pentitismo (which are specialized, perhaps, ex sessantottino landed the media), listen before judging and, above all, down from the pulpit that are a bit 'of head and shoulders above the real world.

Alessandro Dal Lago, from "Il Manifesto" of December 17, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Are Hoy Chettos Harmful?

attacker attacks a Antifascist all anti-fascists! Press

Thursday, December 9 in our social circle we have organized a dinner to collect signatures in solidarity with the Companion GC Savoldi Alessandro di Pavia sued by Roberto Fiore national secretary of the neo-fascist party Forza Nuova. We have collected 205 euro which we have already sent to the Companions of Pavia. We remain firmly convinced that anyone who attacks an Anti-Fascist attacks and then all anti-fascists in the coming weeks to set up other initiatives. ENOUGH FASCISM, ENOUGH PUNISHMENT!

PRC Marano (NA) - Circolo "G. Pajetta

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ml-1610 Toner Save On Off

Coordination Precarious School Naples

The CPS NAPLES, invites all student reality, secondary and university teachers, parents, teaching staff, and all subjects have built and shared with us the mobilization of October 30 in defense of public schools, the meeting takes place on Thursday December 2 in S. Mandate 38 C (underground hill, stop at Santa Rosa, exit
Battistello Caracciolo) at 17 . We

infa ct essential to follow up on that path unit that led the struggle to pay the teachers and students, and to extend to all those who care about the future of public school and the younger generation. Now more than ever, given the total attack on the entire system of public education, training and research, it is necessary to unite our struggles
in a common front that can serve as a barrier against the reactionary drift of our country and, we hope, should result in the mobilizations against the university DDL Gelmini, which are multiplying day by day, and occupations of many colleges against cuts and against the destruction of public schools, demonstrate a high level of conflict that we have to keep up. It should not happen, as has often happened in past years
that from January everyone back to close within the boundaries of their specific dispute. The government wants us divided to make us weak, we must respond UNITED.

We believe, therefore, necessary to create an assembly STANDING IN DEFENSE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL, involving the participation of all those mentioned above, in order to maintain the bonds among all sectors of the world's knowledge together to build the next mobilization, to a great
general strike against the government and Confindustria.

The appointment is on Thursday, 'Dec. 2 HOURS 17 in S. Mandate. There may be variations on the site, which will be immediately notified. We are considering, in fact, if you can make the assembly in some school workers, and give active support to enhance the mobilization of students.

Precarious, students, faculty, staff ATA. parents' associations are invited to attend and contribute to building a common platform that has the defense as a pillar of public schools, LAY, and anti-MASS.

Participate and share!


Hair Brushes Wholesale

Ripartiamo dall'anticapitalismo! I am

mobilizations that are followed throughout Italy these days are impressive, but lack any real political connection.

The students are raising their awareness, since they include the value of public education and defend the Constitution. But the movement is still under the strong influence of spontaneistiche components, which do not identify the policy objectives of short and medium term.

We radicalize the student protest. The fight between students should be focused on the occupation of schools and faculties, with the objective of withdrawal of the Reformation. "No to school bosses, by the government resign," shouted the students of '68.

would help revive the ancient "axes of war," even push to break a certain corporate, given by academics and barons with the block of lessons. Students must reject the Gelmini reform, but they can not accept the school autonomy or transformation of universities into private foundations, corporate services, increased taxes, housing and transport.

The mass mobilization of these days gives us the opportunity to return to the communist camp, but only if we combine activism in the protests, the recovery of a strong anti-conception. It is not enough, call themselves "communists" to be also truly revolutionary!

Among workers, however, we need to promote coordination unit of the struggles and the construction of the general strike . The "Committee for October 16" no longer correspond to the current phase of the struggle of workers. We must build the "committees for the general strike", transforming the party into the belt of political struggles between workers.

The Berlusconi government can not fall to a palace of his own dominant bloc. We need to push workers out of their cages populism Vendola, organic to the majority system, and address the class-consciousness.

The current danger is that, even if the government falls, it would The budget also passed with a myriad of amendments to PD, IDV and Finian. These maneuvers would only shift the political balance in the government majority, but certainly not change the condition of workers and the oppressed!

With the approval of the budget, further cuts would be allocated for education, public health, basic services for the masses. The objective of this government is clear: to empty the Constitution from its principles, to dismantle all sectors of public service, bleed the poor in the war between the various regions and local authorities in the country and take a last stroke of a pen on the Rights workers.

We must prevent it!

Therefore, I believe it is useful to remind the leaders of the PRC and the Federation of the Left, which linger on possible scenarios and hypothetical electoral alliances with parties of the moderate left, with sickly sweet but useless video letters to Vendola, who feel the fight is not enough to press releases or send messages on facebook!

In the present circumstances, we must take note of reality: the extra-parliamentary struggle is played on a difficult and treacherous terrain. But not all mail is a silver lining. If we aim to return quickly in the Parliament, we disagree with under the current political representation expressed in it, because the majority system does not express the popular will, but misleading.

must stop patronizing tones and celebratory of the "glories of the past, with a party that intervened from television and newspapers, and assume the role of the revolutionary subject, able to provide confidence and perspective to the struggles of those exploited.

The problem is to transform the nature of our Party by a small party of opinion, that is queued to the movements and dialogue with the moderate parties, an instrument of consciousness among workers, able to organize the claims, to guide struggles and to represent consistent interest.

All comrades of the Communist Refoundation be mobilized to actively support the war, to defend the sections attacked by neo-fascist groups, to construct points of aggregation and mobilization against the government. Today more than ever to be reconstructed the "spearhead" of the class struggle. Bureaucrats and movement does not do anything there!

The Federation of the Left, as it is constituted, did not anyone step forward in the participation and political representation. In contrast, the dynamics that have governed the composition of governing bodies and proposals arising from them, demonstrate the fusion of the political class is that it is composed of different stakeholders.

The FDS or play an active role in the struggles or is condemned to disappear, swallowed up by the dynamics of the electoral system plebiscite!

aggregation on the left of the Democratic Party must be built, but with a powerful and well-coordinated political momentum among the masses.

In conclusion, it is very disturbing what happened today in Rome, where a demonstration was held "joint" of contractors and construction workers. CGIL, CISL and UIL have found its unity in begging for a government anti-proletarian and reactionary.

The media have emphasized the fact that employers and workers take to the streets together, "finally on the same side." And this, in a sector such as construction, where the proliferation of tax evasion, illegal labor and increasing every year die at work.

What we are witnessing the revival of the guilds are so dear to the industrialists who supported the rise of fascism? And 'this is the new Susanna CGIL Camusso?

bosses and workers, even in crisis, can not be the same. Simply because the first and continue to exploit the latter to be exploited!

mobilize students and workers for the overthrow of the government! We encourage the general strike in all categories of the CGIL. Liberate employees from populism and reconstruct an authentic class consciousness and anti-capitalist in this country!

Daniel Maffione - Coordination naz. Young Communist League - PRC / FDS

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Long Can Deafness Last After An Ear Infection

Communist ...

* * I am a Communist because I do not see a better economy in the world to communism.
* * Why I am communist
suffer to see people suffer.

* * I am a communist because I firmly believe in utopia of a just society.
* * Why I am communist
everyone shall have what they need and give what you can.

* * I am a communist because I firmly believe that happiness is human solidarity.

* * I am a Communist Because I believe that all people have a right to housing, health, education, decent work, to retirement.
* * Why I am communist
do not believe in any god. I am a communist

* * Because no one has yet found a better idea.

* * I am a Communist Because I believe in humans. * I
sono comunista
* Perché spero che un giorno tutta l’umanità sia comunista.
* Io sono comunista
* Perché molte delle persone migliori del mondo erano e sono comuniste.
* Io sono comunista
* Perché detesto l’ipocrisia e amo la verità.
* Io sono comunista
* Perché non c’è nessuna distinzione tra me e gli altri.
* Io sono comunista
* Perché sono contro il libero mercato.
* Io sono comunista
* Perché desidero lottare tutta la vita per il bene dell’umanità.
* Io sono comunista
* Perché il popolo unito non sarà mai vinto.
* Io sono comunista
* Because you can make mistakes, but not to the point of being capitalist. I am a communist

* * Because I love life and lot at his side.
* * Why I am communist
too few people are common.
* * Why I am communist
some say being a communist and it is not.
* * Why I am communist
exploitation of man by man because there is not communism.
* * Why I am communist
my mind and my heart are common.
* I * Because I am a communist
critical every day.

* * I am a Communist Because cooperation among peoples is the only way to peace among men.
* * Why I am communist
responsible for so much suffering in humanity and all those who are not communists.

* * I am a Communist because I do not want personal power, I want the power of the people. I am a communist

* * Because no one has ever managed to convince me not to be.

Nazim Hikmet

Mobile To Mobile Walkie Talkie


Rome, November 27 (Adnkronos) - "In a major event like today is disappointing that the intervention of Susanna Camusso has never named the Confederation of while the general strike is still a phoenix. What needs to happen again because it is proclaimed? ". You Giorgio Cremaschi, the minority leader of the CGIL, to comment as the meeting with the leader of the Confederation of course Italy, Susanna Camusso closed today's demonstration of the union.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Order Exp Desc

sorry for the delay ...

After a long period of sleep is about to resume the activities of the Young Communist Marano Blog! Forward Comrades!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Advantages Relational Database

Sunday evening

Hello everyone!
as was the beginning of this week?

Sunday evening I went with my two friends at a country fair, near my hometown. We ate very well: fried pizzas, kebabs (skewers of meat cooked over coals typical of my area) and sweet ... lots of sweets! And in the end we sang with the karaoke ... I have no voice!
Hello everyone!

Sunday evening i went with my two friends at a country fair, near my hometown. We ate well: fried pizzas, kebabs (skewers of meat cooked over Coals typical of my area) and sweet ... lots of sweets! And in the end we sing karaoke ... I have no voice!

Have a nice day



shoes are a recent acquisition of the balance (10 € Bereska)
the leggings and hat i got them in London ... exploited very little ... perhaps because as soon as I leave the house with the leopard tattooed on his leg all look at me wrong? mha?! the mysteries of life!

long tank top: H & M / leggings and hat: market to London / Shoes: Pull and Bear

Nake Male Celebrity Men


I know that the balances are about to end ... but what can you do? I am so .... I do everything with delayed blast! The loot was very interesting.
Me and my sister the day before we went to measure the clothes very quiet ... and then the next day at 9:50, we were at the door of Megali, a large shopping mall near my house ... where there are more brands that I prefer (Zara, H & M, Bereska, Intimissimi, etc ...) ... to be precise these are the brands that I can afford!

PS: little confession ... this is just a small part of the "booty":)

I know That the balances are about to end ... But what can you do? I am so .... I do everything with delayed blast! The booty was very interesting.
Me and my sister the day before we Went To measure clothes Calmly ... and then the next day at 9:50, we were at the door of Megalò, a large shopping center near my house ... where there are brands that I like more (Zara, H&M, Bereska, Intimissimi, etc ...) ... to be precise these are the brands that I can afford!

PS: small confession ... this is just a small part of the "booty" :)


T-shirt Zara

H&M shorts

dress Zara


Dress Zara

Shoes market

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Masterb Encouragement

From grandmother's trunk ... What can you find? The answer is simple: 4 bags and a watch .... everything vintage! And if a bag, in addition to being vintage, it is also VALENTINE? is the maximum .... Thanks Grandma!
From grandmother's trunk ... What can you find? The answer is simple: 4 bags and a watch .... everything vintage! And if a bag, besides being vintage, it is also VALENTINO? is the best .... Thanks Grandma!

Love Chiara