Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sudden Gushes Of Blood On Day 5 Of Period

Press Coordination Precarious School of Naples

Coordination Precarious School of Naples expresses all puzzled over the very serious incident that occurred yesterday afternoon outside its Superior "Margherita of Savoy, where a student was savagely attacked by a group of neo-fascists. We are seriously concerned about the turn events have taken that have followed the occupation of the former monastery of Materdei by Pound House, which could trigger a climate of violence in the city. And we are equally concerned about the silence of the institutions from which we expect, albeit improper delay, a position clear and clean. The presence of a force in our city openly fascist, which unfold, under the cover of some members of the PDL, is not only a cultural loss and a physical threat, an attack on the Constitution anti-fascist born out of resistance and sacrifice of all those young people who fought for the ideals of freedom and democracy, which still underlie our republic. Coordination Precarious School has so far fought for the defense of public education, constitutional rights and the rights of workers, and therefore considers it unacceptable that in Naples, the city of four days, the gold medal for military valor, lathes spread of fascist violence in their streets, in their own streets, in their squares, which were already hearing from the Nazis sixty years ago. Coordination Precarious School of Naples, in expressing its solidarity with the student and assaulted in order strongly the incident, asked the institutions to proceed with the eviction of Pound House and calls on all democratic forces to the city's anti-fascist mobilization.

Coordination Precarious School Naples


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